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We are a proud AWS Advanced Partner consistently delivering quality and value in partnership with AWS

Our Cloud Migration capability supports customer migration to AWS including assessments, migration and modernisation to cloud-native and microservice architectures.

As Retail Competency Partners, we have vast experience in delivering success on AWS for our retail customers.

Find out more about our AWS partnership here.


Atlassian are a global technology company whose goal is to unleash the power of teams through their software, including Jira, Confluence and Jira Service Management.

Here at Daemon we not only love Atlassian and their products, but we share their passion for improving teamwork and collaboration for all teams. This is one of the reasons why we became an Atlassian solution partner.

As a partner we provide services to support all your Atlassian needs delivered by our team of certified professionals. From training and licensing to migrating your Atlassian workload onto a public cloud, we have you covered.

Are you an existing Atlassian customer who is looking for ways in which to expand the usage of your Atlassian tools to benefit the wider company? If so then get in touch

Find out more about our Atlassian partnership here.


Infrastructure as Code is a crucial part of DevOps, as is Secret Management. We partner with Hashicorp to bring two leading implementations with Terraform and Vault.

  • DevOps Transformation and Cloud Migration
  • Infrastructure as code best practices using Hashicorp Terraform
  • Centralised security via Hashicorp Vault

Find out more about our HashiCorp partnership here.


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